


Hello there, and thank you for being our customer! This handbook is designed to ensure that we are as straightforward and transparent with you as possible. We have shared our policies along with our state-mandated disclosures regarding pesticides. Reading this now will save you from having to read it every time you sign an agreement for a new service. Such agreements will be short and sweet, and you can always refer back to this handbook to review the policies that pertain to those services such as guarantees and payment methods.
We do not do contracts. Nothing in this handbook nor in any agreement we create will bind you temporally to a service, and nothing in it prevents you from cancelling the service at any time as long as proper notice is given as outlined in our Cancellation Policy section, one we recommend. You’ll find the sections of this handbook summarized on the next page.



We think our language is clear, but we've defined some things to cover ourselves legally.


A listing of the services we currently provide


This outlines how much notice for jobs of varying length as well as the charges for failing to give sufficient notice.


Payment is due the same day that service is provided. Payment methods, penalties for late and non-payment provided.


Your service's guarantee (or lack thereof) details are explained here.


This states that we are only responsible to provide service as outlined in the job description section of our Service Agreements, nothing more.


If your needs change or evolve, we require advanced notice so that we can prepare.


A very sensible cap on our liabilities, such as us not being responsible for bug bites, rodent damage, etc.


CA's required info for any job involving pesticide application. We have you acknowledge this even if your job does not involve such an application.


We need to reach out to you via text and email to send appt confirmations and reminders, preparation info, information about services, etc.


If any part of this agreement is deemed unlawful, it has no bearing on the remainder of the agreement.

  • The policies in this Customer Handbook as they pertain to the provision, cancellation and payment of services.​
  • Services that you enlist us for with or without signed Service Agreements are subject to the terms and conditions established by this Customer Handbook.


“We” refers to Pasadena Pest Control Inc., henceforth synonymous with “Pasadena Pest Control”, and “us” and be considered the speaker in the use of “our” in the conditions below. Pasadena Pest Control shall also be the “contractor” in customer-contractor relationship contracts provided by Pasadena Pest Control to the customer unless the term “contractor” is otherwise used and specified as someone else in a given section, the differentiated use of which will be limited to the confines of that section and specific instance.
“You” refers to, and shall be synonymous with, the customer / client and shall be considered the subject with respect to the use of “your” in the conditions below. The customer may be an individual or a business entity and will be respectfully identified in any estimate, invoice, agreement and contract. The use of “I” in any agreements shall refer to the customer / client during acknowledgment portions of said agreements.
“Service” is an umbrella term that may refer to an inspection, consultation, or job provided by Pasadena Pest Control for the customer.
“Job” refers to work, a paid service or a segment of a paid service, provided by Pasadena Pest Control for the customer on the customer’s pre-determined property for a pre-determined and agreed upon or mostly pre-determined and agreed upon amount (except for unquoted portions, or potential portions, of work to be completed due to unknowns at the time of initial agreement).
“Inspection” refers to an investigatory visit to determine pest ID, property features, conducive conditions, ideal control measures, and an estimate for the work to be done.
“Estimate” refers to a reasonably close proximity of the actual price due upon job’s completion. Unless unknown factors–either identified or not reasonably identifiable prior to a given job’s inception–cause significantly more work and/or time to the job, the final price for the job will not differ more than $100 from the originally estimated price. Estimates also detail the i) Job Description, ii) How to Prepare, and iii) Payment Policy.
“Deliverables” refers to any item delivered to the customer by Pasadena Pest Control or on behalf of Pasadena Pest Control, including but not limited to bait stations, traps, and other pest control items.
“Guarantee” refers to our commitment to remedy the presence of pests persisting within the guarantee period per the guarantee terms listed in the Guarantees & Remedy section of Pasadena Pest Control’s Terms & Conditions and as modified in the “Job Description” or “Guarantee” section of an estimate or invoice, as cited and modified respectively in the “Guarantees & Remedy” and “Service Description” sections of this agreement, and as modified verbally to the customer.



General Pest Inspection

Have us come by to get a firm quote on a one-time or regular service for any of the General Pests listed below.

Specialty Pest Inspection

Have us come by to get a firm quote on a one-time, multi-part or regular service for the Specialty Pests listed below.

Rodent Inspection

Professional assessment of rodent type, openings, conducive conditions and preventative recommendations. Our inspections are highly detailed as are our Photo Reports.

Bird Inspection

Get an assessment of the situation and the best way forward to keeping

Mystery Pest Inspection

Not sure what your pest is and can't get a good photo or sample? Schedule this inspection to get it identified. This one is $150, the total being applied in most cases to a job if we proceed.


General Pest Plan

This regular monthly or bimonthly service offers protection against all General Pests, as listed below.

In2Care Mosquito Trapping​

This no-spray trap option significantly reduces mosquito breeding around your property.
Learn more

Mosquito Treatment

Repellent and Insect Growth Regulator application to protect your hangout areas and stop mosquitoes where they take shelter during the day.

Rodent Baiting

This exterior control measure keeps the rodent population in check by using professionally positioned, secured poisons. This method is only recommended if you have had a Rodent Inspection and Exclusion performed.

Rodent Birth Control​

This non-lethal measure provides a great option for those opposed to lethal measures or to combine with a Rodent Baiting service to boost efficacy. It is most effective when you consistently use both consistently or start with both baiting and birth control and taper off baiting once population has reached manageable level.



Flies not leaving you alone, or do you simply want preventative protection from them? Our fly baiting service is beloved and works wonders with minimal chemical application. Add this to your regular service for a modest additional fee.

Trash Can Enzyme Treatment

Are your trash containers offending your nostrils? Let us know you'd like the Enzyme add-on to your regular service to breakdown the waste causing those awful smells. $10 / can. $30 per dumpster.

Local Mosquito Protection

Add-on protection from mosquitoes for your outside hangout areas using a repellent treatment


Have traps in the attic or subarea that you'd like checked regularly? Add this quick check onto your regular service.


Rodent Exclusion

Painstaking attention to detail and effort often goes into keeping rodents out. We seal the structure(s) with rodent-rated materials (e.g. not foam!), set traps and return twice to check the traps and remove what's been caught. We do the job right.

Bird Repellent Installation​

Use of various repellents as needed for control of various birds, with a focus on natural solutions.

Drain Fly Treatment​

A cocktail treatment for your drains and affected rooms to eliminate both breeding grounds and adults.

Flea, Mite or Tick Treatments

Get detailed specialty treatments for these pests, inside and/or out.

German Roach Treatment

We offer comprehensive treatments to be rid of these quickly-reproducing roaches. Don't try to take care of these yourself! We also offer bait-only treatments.

Nest Removal

Rodent or bird nest removal, sanitation and local mite-icide application

Wasp & Yellow Jacket Treatments​

Elimination of wasps and their nests, application of repellent on affected area. Yellow Jacket burrow treatments.


  • American Roaches
  • Ants (Argentine Only),
  • Boxelder Bugs
  • Centipedes
  • Crickets
  • Earwigs
  • Millipedes
  • Oriental Cockroaches
  • Pill Bugs
  • Scorpions
  • Sowbugs
  • Spiders


  • Ants (non-Argentine)
  • Drain Flies
  • Fleas
  • Flies
  • German Roaches
  • Mosquitoes
  • Mites
  • Ticks
  • Rodents
  • Wasps
  • Yellow Jackets


  • Termites

*Wood-destroying work is performed by our Branch 3 sister company, Encino's Best Termite Solutions 818.940.8606 Use referral code: PASADENAPEST if you contact them directly.



If you cancel outright an appointment requiring a Service Agreement, regardless of proper notice, you will be charged a $10 admin fee. For regular services, this does not apply; however, if you cancel outright the initial service of a regular service plan, you will be charged a $20 admin fee. You will know whether a service requires a Service Agreement because we will have emailed you one to the email address associated with your account.
Below is the notice required to cancel jobs and inspections of various durations. The below cancellation policy and relevant fees apply even if your job is scheduled as an estimate and has yet to be converted to a job at the time of your cancellation.


Visit Duration:

Though many of our inspections come at no charge, some do, and regardless of the cost, or lack thereof, of an inspection, we will in most cases impose a cancellation fee on inspections for which the customer failed to provide the required notice when cancelling.


Late cancellation rates are charged at $200 per hour of an inspection or job scheduled, even if the inspection / job was complimentary, when less than the required notice is given when cancelling.


In the interest of transparency, inspections lengths are typically scheduled as follows:
General Pest: 30 min
  • (see Guarantees & Remedy > “The ‘General Pests'” for list of General Pests). This applies to both General Pest plans as well as any individual pest treatments for pests falling within those defined as “General Pests”.
If a service was cancelled and that service was a combined inspection and job, the customer may be charged according to the length using our inspection charge rate for short- or no-notice cancellations ($200 / hour). The typical inspection (excluding Rodent Inspections) are scheduled for 30 min, and the average one-time job is scheduled for 60 min, totaling 90 min. Therefore, for a combined inspection-job appointment that is cancelled sans required notice (as outlined above), we may charge the customer for 90 min at the above cancellation rate of $200 per hour.
In the event of short- or no-notice cancellation for which cancellation fees are charged, those fees are due the same day as service was scheduled to be performed. If a multi-day/segment job was cancelled under these circumstances, the cancellation fees are due the first day the job was scheduled for.



Payment is due upon completion of service (same day). For multi-day or multi-segment jobs, payment is due as follows:
  • Rodent Exclusions: upon completion of sealing portion of work
  • Flea Treatments: upon completion of first treatment
  • Others: assessed case-by-case; you will be informed in advance.


In some situations we require a deposit in advance. It may be refundable or non-refundable depending on the situation.


Regular customers are required to pay using a card saved on file.

Non-regular customers may pay using any of the following methods:


Our invoices are sent via email or text only.


The customer's account is considered delinquent if payment is not made the day it is due. The only exception is when we fail to send an invoice to the customer.


Late fees will be charged as $20 per week starting the first week past due.


Failure or refusal to pay within the payment deadlines may result in collection activity, reporting bad debt to credit agencies, filing a Small Claims lawsuit, and filing a Civil lawsuit. In extreme cases, a contractor's lien may be placed on the home of the offender.



60-day guarantee for most cases. (unless otherwise specified verbally or in writing) For some properties it will be 30 days. Some properties, or select portions of them, will not be guaranteed. We won’t know until we inspect the property features.
The most common primary factors under consideration when determining guarantee are: the amount of slab, brick, paver and similar materials vs. soil on the property, particularly surrounding the structure(s) to be treated; the proximity of neighbor’s vegetation or other objects providing pest path to structures, including fences; items that we cannot treat touching the structure amount and proximity of blossoming / fruiting vegetation along structure perimeter or other treatment area, particularly when making contact with windows or walls; regular proximity of animals to treatment areas; proximity of edible/topical/herbal gardens/plants to treatment areas; placement of drains around structure perimeter, to name the most common. Other factors may apply.

The "General Pests"

Pests covered under "General Pest" plans include: American Roaches, Ants (Argentine Ants only), Centipedes / Millipedes, Crickets, Earwigs, Oriental Cockroaches, Pill Bugs, Sowbugs, and Spiders*.

*Spiders are only guaranteed for regular customers (monthly or bimonthly (6x/yr)) and only after two consecutive spider-focused treatments.
The guarantee includes treatment for interior as needed (but no more than 3x/yr) for the control of the above pests. The guarantee also includes local or complete exterior treatments as needed (and as determined by us). A special trip charge may be assessed if the customer / customer’s tenant forces the technician to reschedule the treatment by being late, not showing, not preparing as per our instructions, or cancelling with less notice than required as per our Cancellation Policy.

The General Pest Guarantee does NOT cover the following instances



Guarantee for ant-specific treatments will vary between species, situations and property features. For the more common, less complicated ant species (Argentine, Little Black, Velvety Tree), the guarantee is most typically 60 days. For others, it is a case-by-case basis. For ant swarmers (winged ants), there is no guarantee, and we typically recommend waiting a 3-4 days before scheduling anything as they will typically leave by then.

Other Specific "General Pests", One-Time Treatments

The terms as described in the General Pest (GP) sub-section above apply to all of the non-ant GP pests when treated on a one-time basis for (a) specific pest(s) from the GP list.


Spiders are only guaranteed for regular customers (monthly or bimonthly (6x/yr)) and only after two consecutive spider-focused treatments.

Hornets / Wasps / Yellow Jackets

60 day guarantee for the areas treated only unless otherwise specified verbally or in writing. See estimate / invoice.




Mites and Ticks

Varies. See estimate / invoice for situation-specific guarantee or lack thereof. Guarantee is contingent upon customer following instructions both given by technician and agreed upon by customer prior to treatment.


We do not guarantee mosquito services of any kind, be it trapping or treatments.

Rodent Baiting

No guarantee

Rodent Birth Control

No guarantee

Rodent Exclusions

1 year - Lifetime guarantee.
Our default 1 year guarantee can typically be extended to 2 years ($350) or Lifetime (as long as you maintain an active exterior rodent baiting service with us (lethal poison stations or non-lethal contraceptive / birth control stations). We reserve the right to deny you an extension based on a variety of factors including condition / age of property, level of infestation or local rodent population, number of conditions conducive to rodents on the property, etc., but if we do deny you, it will be immediately, not down the line. The deadline to extend the guarantee via any means is within 4 months of the exclusion.

The customer’s guarantee is stated directly in the estimate and related invoice. If the guarantee is extended later, then a receipt of extension is provided at the time of extension. Please see below regarding what is and what is NOT covered by the guarantee, be it standard or extended.
IN SUMMARY of much of the below, we guarantee the work we have performed. We DO cover rodents breaking through our work. We DO cover you in the event we missed an opening that could have reasonably been detected during the course of a standard or comprehensive inspection. We reserve final judgment on what is “reasonable” and always endeavor to be fair to both the customer and to ourselves. We do not cover rodents chewing around our work–though we do our utmost do avoid that by screening both the actual openings and screening preventatively–or situations outside of our control. Greater details are provided below.

We do NOT not cover the following:

We do NOT provide Rodent Exclusion guarantees for:

Even though we do not guarantee structures with the above features, we do work with our customers to identify the issue and solve it whenever it is solvable.
When we report, verbally and/or in writing, that our guarantee is contingent upon a third party providing sealing work (such as a garage door technician replacing a vehicle door gasket), the guarantee period shall begin the date the rodent exclusion (sealing) is performed, but will be null in effect until the work of the third party and date it was provided is verified by Pasadena Pest Control.


Structures with rodents invading living/working space are subject to special conditions and additional trap checks for which there will be a $100-$150 charge per additional visit needed in the event live rodents are persisting in the living/working space due to your NOT following our instructions (e.g. leaving competing food / water sources available to rodents within living / working space), instructions we give to ensure results in a timely manner.

Should rodents start invading the living space post-exclusion (during the trapping phase) where they previously were not active, living space sealing & trapping will come at an additional charge as it is additional work.

Special Instructions for trapping in the living space and other areas containing food & water (e.g. garage, basement, storage, guest house, etc.):

Pests we do NOT guarantee:


When you schedule service with Pasadena Pest Control, you are agreeing that we will provide the service(s) detailed in the Job Description section of the relevant emailed or texted estimate and/or invoice.


If a regular service, an estimate or invoice may not be attached, but the Service(s) Description(s) will be cited in the Service Description section of this agreement. The contractor is legally bonded only to perform those tasks, and if the client requires any other services, they will be included in a new agreement or an amendment to the original. The client does not have any right whatsoever to ask for any other labor that has not been previously established in said Service Agreements, though we will accommodate whenever possible. See Advanced Notice section of this Agreement for information on requesting additional work.


The client will inform us in advance if they desire additional services for a scheduled or special visit. We do not guarantee that we will be able to accommodate the client’s request if sufficient notice has not been given. “Sufficient notice,” in this case, means informing us early enough that we can make the proper adjustments to the schedule and make arrangements to be prepared to perform the additional work; “sufficient” notice is of variable length, varying with our schedule and the request being made. The earlier you inform us, the more likely we can get it done on the pre-scheduled visit.
If the customer is covered for a variety of pests such as with our General Pest (GP) clients, the customer is to inform us in advance of any active issues lest they risk that we are not equipped to deal with that specific issue that day. When no active pests present, we perform your regular service according to the season and which pests or issues we anticipate. While we do our best to come prepared for all situations, every situation is different and may require equipment or chemical other than what the technician has on hand for that day. Thus, we highly recommend letting us know of the issue as soon as you do (discounting unreasonable hours).


Pasadena Pest Control is not responsible for any bites or stings that occur from any pests, nor illness nor allergy that results from bites or stings. You, the customer agree not to hold us liable for said bites and/or stings.
Pasadena Pest Control is not responsible for any sickness or death that occurs from ingestion of poison by children or pets, but we do our best to ensure this will never happen by informing you of the dangers, not placing them in areas where pets or small children frequent unattended (based on your instruction, if available) should bait become loose from securing rod (which can happen should rodents chew to center of pouch / block. You agree not to hold us liable for any poisoning that may occur either from direct or secondary poisoning.

Pasadena Pest Control is not responsible for damage to:


Thank you for choosing PASADENA PEST CONTROL to protect your space. In accordance with California State laws and regulations, we are required to provide you with the following information prior to application of pesticides on your property. You may want to file this notice away for future reference, but please read and become familiar with the content first.
State law requires that you be given the following information: CAUTION—PESTICIDES ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS. Structural Pest Control Companies are registered and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by the Department of Pesticide Regulation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Registration is granted when the state finds that, based on existing scientific evidence, there are no appreciable risks if proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized.
If within 24 hours following application you experience symptoms similar to common seasonal illness comparable to the flu, contact your physician or poison control center (see below) and your pest control company immediately.
**If rodenticide ingestion occurs, you may experience symptoms of mild shock and/or bleeding. Advanced symptoms of exposure to these materials can include bleeding gums, nose bleeds and hematomas. Contact your physician immediately.**

For further information, contact any of the following: 

2005 Evergreen St., Sacramento, CA 95285
If we are providing a service of which pesticides are a part, the pesticide(s) information (product name, and active ingredient) will be disclosed via estimate prior to job’s inception. The chemical info and usage (product name, active ingredient and amount used) will be cited in the report provided following the job’s completion. In most if not all cases, this report can be found in the JOB REPORT section of your invoice.


By enlisting Pasadena Pest Control Inc’s services, you consent to the aforesaid communicating with you electronically via text, email and phone call. You understand that items such as invoices, receipts, service agreements and the like are provided electronically via email or text.
Communication from Pasadena Pest Control Inc. will primarily consist of appointment confirmations, reminders and cancellations, invoices, receipts and communication regarding services.
Communication may minimally involve information about pest control services you are not currently enlisted in and that Pasadena Pest Control believes you may benefit from based on your current services, property conditions, etc.
You understand that a 3rd party automated system will often be employed to send the above notices and documents. Further, a 3rd party AI may be utilized to communicate in the interim between human availability.



You are entitled to the following CA Consumer Rights:
  1. The right to opt out of third-party data sales (no need with us–we don’t and will never sell your data)
  2. The right to opt in to the sale of personal information of consumers (not applicable with us)
  3. The right to be informed of data collection and rights (see “Information We Collect” below)
  4. The right to have collected data deleted (simply email [email protected] (note: this effectively removes you as a customer))
  5. The right to initiate a private cause of action for data breaches
  6. The right to non-discriminatory treatment for exercising any rights
  7. The right to correct inaccurate personal information (simply email [email protected])
  8. The right to limit use and disclosure of sensitive personal information (simply email [email protected])

These companies/applications include but are not necessarily limited to:


We do not store any sensitive data. We use Briostack’s payment processor CardPointe to securely store your card information (for regular customers or those that choose to do so


If any of the terms and conditions of this Employee Handbook or in any Service Agreement between yourself and Pasadena Pest Control is/are held to be invalid by a court of law, the Employee Handbook and Service Agreement(s) will continue to be enforced except for that/those specific invalidated point(s).


These Terms and Conditions as mimicked in the Customer Handbook, along with any Service Agreements signed, constitute the entire agreement between both parties about all matters, superseding any previous verbal or written agreements between them regarding the services listed herein. Anything stated outside of these documents will not be considered valid with the exception of amendments and/or attachments (such as future Service Agreements and written notifications of amendments to terms) drafted by Pasadena Pest Control Inc. and signed by both parties, though additions and changes to service may be requested in writing and confirmed in writing or orally without the necessity of signed documents in some cases.
The Customer Handbook constitutes primarily our Terms & Conditions and is therefore subject to updates from time to time. By continuing to use our services following these updates, you agree to be bound by the updated terms and conditions in the updated Customer Handbook without a new signature required each time. These updates will be emailed to you when they take effect. Failure to view the updates due to not reading them or the email being sent to spam does not exclude one from being bound to the updated terms.
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